Sunday, December 15, 2013

Minute a Day 'Diabetes Away' - Cycling

Minute a Day 'Diabetes Away' 

Performing short cycle sprints three times a week could be enough to prevent and possibly treat type 2 diabetes....

Scientists at the University of Bath asked group of diabetic volunteers to perform two 20-second cycle sprints on exercise bikes, three times per week and after six weeks; researchers in the university's department of health saw a 28% improvement in their insulin function.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels build up to dangerously high levels due to reduced insulin function (one of the chief cause of type 2 diabetes), often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise can help keep blood sugar levels low but busy lifestyles and lack of motivation mean 66% of the population are not getting the recommended five 30-minute sessions of moderate exercise a week.

Dr. Niels Vollaard, who is leading the study, said: "We already knew that very intense sprint training can improve insulin sensitivity but we wanted to see if the exercise sessions could be made easier and shorter."

In the study the resistance on the exercise bikes could be rapidly increased so volunteers were able to briefly exercise at much higher intensities than they would otherwise be able to achieve. With an undemanding warm-up and cool-down, the total time of each session was only 10 minutes.

"This is completely new. No one has ever found a program this easy and short to provide health benefits. At the moment it has only been done in lab conditions but it would be easy to create a bike that does this in a gym setting."

*** edited from European Journal of Applied Physiology, Dec. 2012



Means if calories intake in a day remains same for the person there will be a 

WEIGHT LOSS of approx 1 pound (0.450 gms) in 10 days.

Other Amazing – Dynamic Health Benefit Of Cycling

1. You’ll get there faster – faster way of commutation considering today's traffic challenges.

2. Improves Sleep – more refreshing sleep and less episodes of insomnia.

3. Anti-Aging effect - Look younger

4. Better bowel movement – prevent constipation.

5. Increase your brain power – memory, cognition, positivity.

6. Increased immunity - less illness

7. Environment friendly.

8. Improves performance and experience in bed.

9. Cardio – Heart friendly exercise at no extra time-cost.

10. Weight loss and improvement in metabolic syndrome/diabetes type 2.

11. Healthy family time – cycling is known to help improve interpersonal relationship among family & friends.

12. Get fit without trying too hard.

13. Stress free and more creative.

14. Improve muscle and skeleton system.

15. Easy answer to many medical challenges like aches, sensitivity, depression, fatigue, low appetite, stamina, frequent cold-cough, etc.

Enjoy Bliss!!!


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