Monday, March 19, 2012

Holistic Corporate Wellness Workshop - 5 March 2012

Holistic Corporate Wellness Workshop

“Guide to Health – Wealth – Happiness 
Prevention from all Disorders + Diseases”
Healthy Medical Consultation,

On the occasion of
National Safety Day / Safety Week Campaign
4th Day of March.

Organized and Celebrated on
Monday 5th Day of March 2012.
Quippo Construction Equipment Ltd.
Gurgaon, Haryana – India.

Dr. Mayur Jain MD
Aayyuskaam Holistic Clinic
New Delhi – India.

The National Safety Day/Safety Week Campaign being spearheaded for nearly three decades. This has significantly contributed to reduction in the rate of industrial accidents and created wide spread safety awareness even in such sectors which have not been covered by any safety legislation. 


  • to take Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) movement to all offices of the company.
  • by involving their employees in SHE activities.
  • to promote development of need-based activities, self-compliance with statutory requirements and professional SHE management systems at work places.
  • to bring into the fold of voluntary SHE movement sectors, which have not so far been statutorily covered.
  • to remind employers, employees and others concerned of their responsibility in making the workplace safer.

In summary, the above objectives are part of an overall goal of creating and strengthening SHE culture in workplace and integrating the same with the work culture. 

Aayyuskaam Holistic Clinic contributed to this great concern and initiation of the Company by addressing the chief safety of mankind i.e. HEALTH.

Talking on “Guide to Health – Wealth – Happiness Prevention from all Disorders + Diseases”, Dr. Mayur Jain highlighted on the basic health needs and concerns viz. Quality food, waterenvironment and life-style. But, practically as these choices are not 100% in our hand, Dr. Mayur advocated a de-tour to health i.e. DETOXIFICATION - use of healthy  structured (spring) water with crystalline nature and bio-mineral energy for providing desired result (magic).

On conducting healthy medical consultation, importance of understanding diseases was emphasized along with benefits of holistic health care.

Be Safe - Be Healthy ... aayyuskaam to all ... 


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