Monday, April 09, 2012

Nutrition Science For Holistic Health

Nutrition Science For Holistic Health

Nutrition the core part of any and every line of treatment of whatever the disease name may be... In today's fast pace world both the doctors and the patient want fast treatment and recovery to get back into the daily grind of life.

But IF we understand the value of Good Balanced Nutritional Diet and Holistic Science of Medicine, we may not even fall sick to any disorder or disease. If we are already suffering from some disorder or disease, you will be able to restore yourself to Health is rapid, gentle and permanent manner.

A good informative article worth sharing... 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Confession and Learning: Anger - Negative Thoughts

My Confession and Learning: Anger - Negative Thoughts

Holding on to 
anger (negative thought) 
is like 
grasping a hot coal 
 the intent of throwing it 
at someone else; 
you are the one who 
 gets burned. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Holistic Corporate Wellness Workshop - 5 March 2012

Holistic Corporate Wellness Workshop

“Guide to Health – Wealth – Happiness 
Prevention from all Disorders + Diseases”
Healthy Medical Consultation,

On the occasion of
National Safety Day / Safety Week Campaign
4th Day of March.

Organized and Celebrated on
Monday 5th Day of March 2012.
Quippo Construction Equipment Ltd.
Gurgaon, Haryana – India.

Dr. Mayur Jain MD
Aayyuskaam Holistic Clinic
New Delhi – India.

The National Safety Day/Safety Week Campaign being spearheaded for nearly three decades. This has significantly contributed to reduction in the rate of industrial accidents and created wide spread safety awareness even in such sectors which have not been covered by any safety legislation. 


Tuesday, February 28, 2012






Thursday, February 23, 2012


Romantic LOVE Foods


The following is a list of foods that proved beneficial as aphrodisiacs. Some are because of their shape and some because of their aromas, while others due to chemical basis for their passion powers. Detailed studies are required to understand the modus operandi deeply.

In medieval times, people drank Mead, a fermented drink made from honey, to promote sexual desire. In ancient Persia, couples drank Mead every day for a month known as the "honey month" or "honeymoon"; after they married in order to get in the right frame of mind for a successful marriage. Honey is rich in B vitamins (needed for testosterone production) as well as boron (helps the body metabolize and use estrogen). Some studies have suggested that it may also enhance blood levels of testosterone. 

Saturday, February 04, 2012



A study of more than 4,000 black women in Los Angeles, lived in areas with higher levels of traffic-related air pollution were at increased risk of diabetes and hypertension....
In the study at Boston University it was found that black women living in neighborhoods with high levels of nitrogen oxides, pollutants found in traffic exhaust, were 25% more likely to develop diabetes and 14% more likely to develop hypertension than those living in sections with cleaner air.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Holistic Herbal Diabetes Care & Cure - Happy Healthy 2012

means that your blood sugar (glucose) is high. Most of the food we eat is turned into sugar for our bodies to use for energy. A hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, helps sugar get into most cells of the body. If your body doesn't make enough insulin and/or if the insulin doesn't work the way it should, sugar can't get into your cells and instead stays in your blood, raising your blood sugar level. 

When your blood sugar (glucose) stays too high for a long time, it can damage blood vessels and nerves. This damage can affect many of the organ systems in your body, and it can raise your risk of complications.

NO one wants to think about these possibilities — no one really wants to. But The good news is that you can prevent-delay such problems by controlling your blood sugar using Holistic Herbal Care & Cure System & taking good care of yourself.

RISK Factors

High Blood Pressure - Hypertension may not cause symptoms, but over time it damages the heart, other organs and blood vessels. A blood pressure reading measures the force of blood as it presses against the  inside walls of the blood vessels (arteries). The measurement is written as 2 numbers: 
systolic blood pressure (top number) is the force when the heart pumps; 
diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) is the force between heart pumps.

Cholesterol - Your body needs cholesterol to function properly; it helps your body digest food, produce hormones, and build new cells. However, as with many things in life, too much of a good thing can become bad.

HDL (Good) Cholesterol - works to clear cholesterol from the blood, helping  to keep arteries healthy. When you have type 2 diabetes, HDL cholesterol  levels  are often  lower than normal. This means that less cholesterol  can be cleared from the blood.

LDL (Bad) Cholesterol - can damage arteries. When you have type 2 diabetes,  LDL cholesterol is often
smaller and denser than normal and may be especially dangerous  to artery walls.

Triglycerides - are another type of a not good fat in the blood. Having type 2  diabetes can lead to
triglyceride  levels that are higher than they should be.

YOU can reduce your risks…  
Work with your holistic health care team to determine the right blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels for you, and track your numbers. According to the American Heart Association  (AHA) guidelines, appropriate targets for people with diabetes are:

  • Blood pressure: less than 130/80 mmHg.
  • HDL cholesterol: greater than 40 mg/dL for men and greater than 50 mg/dL for women.
  • LDL cholesterol: less than 100 mg/dL.
  • Triglycerides: less than 150 mg/dL.
  •  Stay at a healthy weight by being active and eating healthy foods.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days.
  • Follow the healthy eating plan you work out with your holistic health care team.
  • If you smoke, QUIT NOW.
  • Take holistic herbal safe medicines - the way your physician tells you.
  • Also, regular check-ups can help prevent problems or find them early, 
  • when they can be treated and managed, so see your holistic health team regularly. 

Brain - Stroke: A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes damaged or blocked. People with diabetes often have high blood pressure, which is the biggest risk factor for stroke. It's important that you know the signs and symptoms of stroke.

Eyes: Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness across the world. High blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels in the eyes and can lead to the growth of new blood vessels there. These new blood vessels are not as strong and can leak or burst. This condition is called Diabetic Retinopathy. Caught early, retinopathy is generally treatable, so be sure to have your eyes checked at least once a year. 

Mouth: For people with diabetes, the risk of developing gum disease is twice that of someone without diabetes. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and the inflammation that results has been linked to heart disease. See dental physician twice a year. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Have your teeth cleaned at least twice a year.

Heart: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in people with diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to have heart disease and stroke than people without the disease. Be smart about your heart, and pay attention to your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels.

Kidney: High blood sugar and high blood pressure can lead to a kidney disease called Nephropathy. In fact, 35% of all people undergoing dialysis for kidney disease have diabetes. As with other diabetes-related complications, a contributing factor is damage to tiny blood vessels in your kidney from high blood sugar levels. A warning sign is protein in your urine, which your health care provider should check for during visits. It's also important for kidney health to be sure that your blood pressure is well controlled. Have your kidneys tested annually or as recommended by your physician.

Sexual Problems: In people with type 2 diabetes, sexual problems can occur when the nerves that regulate sexual response are damaged. This nerve damage is called Neuropathy. For men, this can mean problems getting an erection or ejaculating. For women, this can mean problems getting aroused or lubricated enough to have comfortable sex. Talk with your health care team about any sexual symptoms you may notice.

Nerve Damage and Foot Problems: Many patients with diabetes have damage to the nerves of the feet and legs. Nerve damage, circulation problems, and infections can cause serious foot problems. By taking care of your feet daily, you can avoid complications (which, in severe cases, may include amputation). Look at your feet every day to see whether you have scratches, cracks, cuts, or blisters —and bring them to notice of your holistic health care team. Keep your feet clean and protected from heat, cold and any type of injury.

If you are taking 

Active Role  
with your 
Holistic Health Care Team, 
you are already taking steps
 lower your risk of 
Diabetes-related Complications.