"Ray of hope for Impotence
Erectile Dysfunction"
Not many people are aware that in most cases physical rather than psychological causes are responsible for impotence (ED), and that ED is usually eminently curable by holistic herbal remedies without any side-effects.
The Sexual impotence is perhaps the most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders. Two factors are responsible for this unfortunate state of affairs.
- Myths, superstition, guilt, taboo and the stigma attached to anything sexual in the minds of the people.
- Bottomless sexual ignorance: on account of which people continue to believe that impotence is something that is largely psychological in origin.
It is said to afflict as much as 10 percent of the male population. Above the age of 40, nearly 52 % of men are affected. It is estimated that 3 in every 10 males suffers from this problem, excluding un-disclosed and un-diagnosed sufferers.
Contrary to popular belief, impotence is almost never an 'ALL OR NONE' phenomenon. Most laymen (and several doctors) believe that a man can either have an erection of very good quality or none at all. Most men with erectile dysfunction have normal desire and can obtain an erection, only the erection is not hard enough or doesn't last long enough,
It is believed that Impotence is a result of Stress and lack of sex education, which does not require any medical treatment. But, it is now known that in 75-90 percent of cases, one or another physiological cause. Natural herbal treatment is safe, mild and highly effective in managing such subjects with no side effects.
What then causes impotence (ED)? Although impotence can afflict anyone from 13year of age to 90year of age and is associated with a wide variety of clinical conditions and diseases (see box above) the basic mechanisms causing impotence are mentioned below. All of these can be accurately identified using modern investigative techniques and treat to the level best by herbal remedies free of heavy metals.
A. Impotent since birth
B. Impotence sets in after years of normal sex (Secondary Impotence).
2. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
3. Atherosclerosis
4. Renal (kidney) failure
5. Heart disease
6. Neurological disorders - multiple sclerosis, stroke, paraplegia, spinal cord lesions, Parkinsonism, etc.
7. Injuries - sudden - e.g. pelvic and perineal
8. Injuries - gradual - as in bicycle-riders etc.
9. Surgery-operations on bowel, rectum, bladder, rectroperitoneum, spine, urethra, prostate etc.
10. Local e.g. Peyronie's disease.
11. Effect of strong heroic medication.
Arteriogenic: Where the arteries supplying blood to the penis do not bring in enough blood to cause an erection. This can occur because of a narrowing of the arteries as in the elderly, diabetics (as many as 50 per cent of all diabetics are impotent) and those with high blood pressure or because of injury to the genital region which causes a block in the artery to the penis.
Today, it has been established that impotence (ED) is a warning sign, for future cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. Diseases of arteries affect the smaller arteries (penis) before they affect the larger ones (heart and brain).
Venogenic: Venogenic impotence is extremely common, as much as 30-70 percent of all impotence subjects. Some men have venogenic impotence from birth (primary). Such men have never had a rigid erection all their lives. Others develop venogenic impotence suddenly after years of normal sexuality (secondary).
Neurogenic: Many things can disturb the nerve supply to the penis. Injuries to the back (vertebral column), pelvic or perineal region. In some case following operations on the rectum, prostate, urethra, spine, retro-peritoneum, urinary bladder etc.
Endocrinologic (Hormonal): This occurs when there is an imbalance or insufficiency of sex hormones in the blood stream. It accounts for about 5 to 10 per cent of all organic impotence. Generally, hormonal changes affect the libido (or sex drive) rather than the quality of the erection per se. A variety of disease conditions can cause these changes.
Mixed: Sometimes, more than one factor can be operative in the same patient. Such patients generally have systemic disease. Notable examples are diabetes, kidney failure and liver failure.

Today, it has been established that impotence (ED) is a warning
sign, for future cardiovascular diseases like
heart attacks and strokes. Diseases of arteries affect the smaller arteries
(penis) before they affect the larger ones (heart and brain).
Herbs found healthful :
- VIDARI KAND (Ipomoeae Digitata),
- SAFED MUSLI (Chlorophytun Arundinaceuiv),
- SATAWAR (Asparagus Raceivosus),
- GOKHRU (Tribulus Terrestris),
- ASWAGANDHA (Withania Somnifera),
- KAWANCH (Mucuna Pruriens),
- SALAB MISHRI (Orchis Latifolia),
- NAKCHIKNI (Dregea Volubilis),
- AQUARQUARHA (Anacylus Pyrethrum),
- KASTURI DANA (Abelivoschus Noschatus),
- JAIPHAL (Myristica Fragrance),
- AGAR (Aquilaria Aggalocha),
The principal
benefits increase with regular exercise, good diet, and a healthy lifestyle.
This leads to better circulation, enhanced physical expected performance,
endurance and memory.
Study and take advantage of the amazing roles of these herbs in Impotence ...
Participate in
educating the society about this chronic illness & holistic herbal care for
it, by sharing and spreading this ray of hope to all whom you care for...
Dr. Mayur Jain MD (H)
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